This spring Hubby and I have been reorganizing. Almost every room in the house has been changed around in some way!
One MAJOR change was the moving of my sewing room from a space near the kitchen to the smallest bedroom. We've referred to this room as "the room of doom" because it was pretty much a storage room. A very disorganized storage room!
After 4 full days of cleaning (I filled SIX big garbage bags with trash, not to mention the recycle and garage sale stuff that came out of there!) it was ready for occupancy!

There was a nice big old desk in there, so I left it in and am now using it for my sewing table. It's so nice and sturdy!

There are oodles of shelves too! The whole wall is lined with shelves and there are 2 units underneath the cutting and ironing tables. It was a bit of a puzzle at first but this arrangement works very, very nicely!

This is what I see when I turn around in my chair. When I sit at my machine my back is to the rest of the room. But this was better than having my back to the door, which was the only other way things could have been arranged :)

We moved the embroidery machine in this morning. My sewing room is now complete! And it's also very, very cosy. I think I can safely say there is no wasted space anywhere :)
I'm excited to spend tomorrow actually working on projects in there!