Monday, November 26, 2012
I'm Quilting Again!!
Not much else. I recently moved and am now settling in to my new (and much nicer) apartment. The cats are crazy as usual. Work is crazy as usual. My parents came out to see me for Thanksgiving. It was great to see them!
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Odds And Ends
The only exciting news in my otherwise quite boring life- Munchkin (who has been with me exactly one year!) has a baby sister! Moppet came to join the family on July 14, and we are all getting along very well indeed! It as touch and go at first, as Munchkin was not at all sure she wanted a baby sister, but they love each other now and can frequently be found sleeping curled up so tight you can't tell where one cat stops and the other one starts :)
Here's Moppet!! She is about 4 months old.
She had a big day, exploring the place, and is a little sleepy now :)
Munchkin and Moppet taking a nap by mommy's feet :)
We all get along well now, and it's been good for Munchkin to have a playmate, especially since I am gone so much.
Nothing doing on the crafting side- I knit a little when I am at work, but that's about it. My fabric and sewing machine have been calling to me, but so far I do not have the time to answer them :(
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Sunday, March 11, 2012
Stayin’ Alive!
Hi all! Still here! I’ve been super busy, working and settling in to my new apartment and enjoying the beautiful weather we’ve been having around here lately! I took a little drive today… it was so nice to have the windows and roof open on my car :)
Hector Falls, near Watkins Glen, NY
Aunt Sarah’s Falls, near Montour Falls, NY
I have been very busy at work, usually putting in 50-60 hours a week. It’s not bad at all when you love your job as much as I do! And I have some great partners to work with- that makes the time go by fast. Starting next week I am moving full-time into the dispatch office, picking up road shifts occasionally as they open up. I work overnights, and my co-workers and I have way too much fun :)
Ta for now! I’ve been knitting a bit, it’s hard to quilt when you’re posted in an ambulance ;)
Friday, January 6, 2012
Happy New Year!!
Hello all! Just a quick post to say everything is going great and I am still alive!
I’m getting settled into my new apartment! So far I like it. It’s smaller than my old one but the kitchen and bathroom are bigger. And it’s upstairs- much quieter! And the best feature of all? I have my very own {very small} washer and dryer! I am so excited about this. It’s so nice to not be hauling my clothes to a friend’s house anymore :)
I’m also settling well into my new job! I am cleared as a dispatcher and will be starting my regular shift soon. I am also working on getting my driver and medic clearance, which shouldn’t take too long. Then I will be able to really start helping people :)
I have been organizing my crafting stuff and hope to be creating pretty things soon. I will be working overnights in dispatch so depending on the kind of night we’re having I’ll have time to knit and/or sew. I have been watching tutorials on hand piecing quilts and I really hope I can get back into quilting again that way.
Well, that’s all for now! I hope you all had lovely holidays and the New Year is treating you as well as it is treating me so far!