"...for we put the thought of all that we love into all that we make" ~ J.R.R. Tolkien

Monday, March 9, 2009

I Want My Hour Back!!

It was SO HARD getting out of bed this morning! It was so dark! I really do not see how on earth anyone could think this whole daylight savings time thing saves energy, or makes people more productive. I feel like I am wading through mud today- I just can't get going! I hate this time change- I always feel "off" until we get back to normal time in the fall!

I am sorting through my fabric stash again today. I have decided to take a really close look at what's there and decide (1) if I really think I will use it and (2) if I should try to sell it, or give it to charity. There are a few places I want to look at around here as far as charities go- there's a shelter for domestic violence victims in my county, and I am thinking that I may make several simple quilts (Yellow Brick Road, that sort of thing) for them.

I am cutting a lot into fat quarters, too! I have had so many ideas for quilts over the past 2 days! I started writing them all down so I wouldn't forget them. Now I just need to do nothing but sew for the next 100 years, and maybe I'll get them all done!


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