It's been a very long time since I updated this blog. It was about quilting and I haven't really gotten back into it yet (keep trying to- space is a real issue right now). But I want to keep it up, so here I am :)
Lots has changed! There is an amazing new man in my life- and he's here to stay. We really are soulmates. It's funny how we often say the same thing at the same time. Or, like last night, when we both set alarms for this morning so we didn't sleep to late and lose the day :) I can honestly say I've never ever been this happy in my life! It's nice to be happy :)
Not a whole lot else new. I went from working nights to working days. I'm happier. And it puts me on the same schedule with the Man so that is good.
Here are some new photos for you to enjoy. I'll try to update more often :)
A microcosm within Canandaigua Lake
Blanket I made for my new nephew, who arrived in June
Blocking my new Age Of Brass And Steam shawl (pattern found on Ravelry)

Hi. So happy to hear you're happy.