I have always been drawn to the more complicated side of quilting. I think it's fun to make blocks that have a zillion pieces, have curves, and involve paper piecing. It was a New York Beauty quilt that first sparked my interest in quilting, actually!
I also like all the simple modern stuff that's all over Flickr and Blogland nowadays. It's been fun doing some simple stuff that is quick to make and has good visual impact. There are so many
amazing quilts out there, made by so many seriously talented people!
But, lately, I've been getting bored. I don't particularly like doing free-pieced, really wonky stuff, no matter how hard I've tried to get into it. Don't mistake me- I love, love, LOVE
looking at all those lovely quilts- I just don't like doing it myself. My symmetrical little heart just can't get into the spirit of it :)
So I decided to go back to my "basics", what drew me into quilting in the first place!

I sat down with my scrap box and my black stash and made this today!! I just love it! I had a little "issue" with the first curved piece, but it'll be in the seam. And it showed me I needed to be a little more careful and pin a little bit better :)
I have plans to make many more blocks using templates for 4 different styles of New York Beauty blocks. I found them at
this lovely site! The color scheme for this was inspired by this
lovely mini quilt I saw on Flickr.
I am glad I have found my spot again. I was getting to the point where I was wondering if I even enjoyed quilting anymore. Sometimes we all just need to get back to basics- our own personal basics- to find the joy of our art again!
PS: I would like to say thank you to
QuiltHome.com for choosing me as their link-of-the-week this week! I was so surprised and happy to open my e-mail and see that yesterday morning! I would also like to say hello and thank you to everyone who is visiting from QuiltHome.com :)