First up- I finished all my Modern Siggy Swap blocks! I signed all 101 of them today, and only messed up one of them :) I whipped up an extra one and signed it, and they'll be going in the mail tomorrow- a whole month before they're due!!

I used three different fabrics from the "Farmer's Market" collection by Sandi Henderson. They were really easy and really fast to make, even if there were 101 of them. I sewed 1/2" from each of the lines to save the corners, so now I have 202 1.5" half-square triangles to play with too!
Ryan at I'm Just A Guy Who Quilts has started crocheting, and asked me to show what I do with the ends when I change colors.

First I bring them both (the old color and the tie-on from the new color) around so they are in front of the working yarn.

And then I start crocheting the new row, making sure the ends are caught within the stitch!
I hope this makes sense, Ryan!
I'm extremely left-handed, so if it looks like my crochet is backwards that's why :)