Unlike this year's weather, the weather in December 2002 was beautiful! There was a gorgeous sunset as we were leaving for the reception.
Did I mention we got married in our house? Yep! We didn't have the whole $20,000-put-us-in-debt-for-years wedding. Our wedding cost $2000 total, including the reception that my parents paid for! My mother-in-law made my dress, and I did all the decorations. We had bought our house in June of 2002, and it just made sense to have it there! We only had family present, too. My parents and sister, my dad's parents, my mom's dad (who has since passed away), and my mom's aunt and uncle. Also Hubby's mom. Our friend Ray married us, and his wife was there too. Hubby's grandmother (who has also since passed away) was supposed to come too, but she got sick and decided that it would be best to stay home.

Here's me with my lovely black coat over my gown... it was cold, but that's to be expected on December 31!
I am making the lovely pasta dinner Paige gave me for my birthday as our anniversary dinner tonight! I wanted to save it for a special occasion, and here one is!
So, here's to us, and the start of another year of marriage!